General captcha settings can be found in the "Application Settings" - "Captcha Display Settings".
1) Go to the "Sites" page and click the "New Site" button.
2) Enter your website domain in the "Hostnames" field, make other desired settings, and click the "Save" button.
3) Click the "Settings" button for the newly added site and copy the "Sitekey" (Public API Key).
4) Go to the "Settings" and copy the "Secret Key" (Private API Key).
The received data should be entered in the "Application Settings" - "hCAPTCHA Service Settings".
1) Go to the "V3 Admin Console" page.
2) Enter your website name in the "Label" field.
3) Choose the captcha type "Challenge (v2) – I'm not a robot".
4) Enter your website domain in the "Domains" field and click the "SUBMIT" button.
5) Copy the "SITE KEY" (Public API Key) and "SECRET KEY" (Private API Key).
The received data should be entered in the "Application Settings" - "reCAPTCHA Service Settings".